Exclusive: Sister of young woman killed by Danilo reveals relief with his arrest

After the arrest, the family of Débora Evangelista Brandão expresses relief.

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Danilo’s arrest has brought great relief to the family of Débora Evangelista Brandão, who spent weeks mired in anguish and fears. The biggest concern that haunted her relatives was the possibility of Danilo seeking revenge against family members both in the United States and in Brazil.

Daiane Moreira dos Reis é irmã de Valter Júnior, morto em 2017 — Foto: Reprodução/TV Anhanguera

According to Sílvia Brandão, Débora’s sister, his arrest marks a turning point. “The relief we feel is indescribable. To find peace and tranquility, we distanced ourselves from the news because we were living under constant distress, which was severely affecting our mental health. My mother even became ill due to the constant stress. We had intense fears that he might retaliate against our family. As the press well knows, he is capable of terrible things.”

Danilo’s arrest, however, not only brought relief to Débora’s family but also to all those who had followed the case with apprehension. The outcome of this tragic story is seen as an important step in the pursuit of justice and the end of the torment that has plagued the family and the community in recent times.

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According to security experts, the arrest of a suspect in serious crimes like this is crucial to prevent the victim and their family from living under constant threat. The feeling of security is now beginning to be restored, allowing the family to start recovering from the trauma and pain they have endured.

While the family finds relief in Danilo’s arrest, authorities are stepping up their efforts to ensure that justice is served. The case of Débora Evangelista Brandão mobilized public opinion and demonstrated the importance of a swift and effective response from the authorities.

The family’s lawyer, who preferred not to be identified, stated that they are committed to cooperating with the investigations to ensure that justice is fully served. “We are pleased with the arrest, but our fight for justice continues. We want all questions to be answered, and the truth to prevail. Our priority is to ensure that Débora is remembered, and her memory is honored.”

Amid all the suffering and uncertainty that surrounded the family of Débora Evangelista Brandão, Danilo’s arrest represents a ray of hope and the promise of a clearer path towards justice. The local community and all those who followed the story now eagerly await the unfolding of the investigations and the outcome of the case that moved everyone. The arrest is a crucial step in this journey, but the desire for answers and the truth continues to fuel the determination of Débora’s family and all those who cry out for justice.