Biden: ‘We Must Unite as a Nation to Condemn’ Shooting at Trump Rally

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President Joe Biden, in an official statement on Saturday night, called for Americans to unite in condemning the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. Biden expressed his relief that Trump is safe and unharmed.

Biden’s Official Statement

Biden began his statement by saying, “I have been informed about the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. I am grateful to know that he is safe and well.” The president emphasized that both he and First Lady Jill Biden are praying for Trump, his family, and everyone who was present at the event, while they await more information about the incident.

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Gratitude to the Secret Service

In his statement, Biden made sure to thank the Secret Service for their swift and effective action in ensuring Trump’s safety. “The First Lady and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There is no place for this kind of violence in America,” the president stated, highlighting the importance of the work done by security forces in critical situations like this.

Condemning the Violence

Biden emphasized the need for national unity to condemn acts of violence. “We must unite as a nation to condemn this kind of violence,” the president said, underlining that such attacks have no place in American society. He drew attention to the need to maintain peace and security at public and political events.

Political Reactions

The shooting sparked a wave of political reactions from both sides of the spectrum. Democratic and Republican leaders expressed solidarity with Trump and those affected by the incident. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also condemned the attack and stressed the importance of safe and respectful political discourse.

Ongoing Investigations

Local and federal authorities are investigating the shooting. So far, details about the shooter and their motives have not been released. The police have asked the public to share any relevant information to assist in the investigations.

Impact on Rally Security

The incident raises questions about security at rallies and political events. Security experts suggest that additional measures may be necessary to protect both candidates and attendees. The Secret Service, responsible for Trump’s safety, is reviewing its protocols to prevent future incidents.

Support from International Leaders

International leaders also expressed support for Trump and condemned the attack. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sent his condolences and stated that political violence must be combated globally. Other leaders from the European Union also showed solidarity.

Reflection on Political Discourse

The shooting in Pennsylvania prompts reflection on the current state of political discourse in the United States. Biden and other political leaders emphasize the importance of promoting an environment of respect and security for all opinions and ideologies, without resorting to violence.


President Biden concluded his statement by reinforcing the need for unity and peace. “This is a time for us to come together as Americans and reaffirm our commitment to democracy and the safety of all citizens,” he said. The incident will be a point of discussion in the coming weeks as more details emerge and investigations progress.