Photos and Videos: Debris from Submersible Titan Reaches Canada

First images of the wreckage are released after its arrival in Canada

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The first images of the wreckage of the submersible Titan have been released as it arrived today at the port of Terra Nova and Labrador in Canada, as announced by the state radio Ici Canadá.

Rescue operation concluded as the last search vessel returns

The return of the last vessel involved in the search for the remnants of the submersible marks the conclusion of the rescue operation, according to reports. The ship returned to port today, bringing an end to the efforts to locate the wreckage.

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OceanGate submersible disappeared during Titanic expedition

On the 18th, the OceanGate submersible submerged for an expedition to the Titanic and, approximately two hours later, lost contact with the surface support vessel. The occupants on board were tourists who had paid around R$ 1.2 million for the opportunity to get a close look at the famous ship that sank in 1912.

Submersible crew comprised five individuals

The expedition included a pilot and four passengers aboard the Titan submersible. Among the crew were Stockton Rush, the president of OceanGate; Hamish Harding, a 59-year-old billionaire and president of Action Aviation; Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son; and Paul-Henry Nargeolet, a renowned expert in shipwrecks and considered one of the foremost authorities on the Titanic.

Implosion confirmed as the cause of the submersible’s disappearance

After four days of intensive search efforts, the United States Coast Guard confirmed that the Titan submersible imploded, resulting in the death of all occupants. Implosion occurs when an object or structure collapses inward toward its center, in contrast to an explosion where energy expands outward from the center.

Extreme depth and underwater pressure hindered any possibility of survival

The discovery of the Titan submersible wreckage at a depth of 3.2 km reveals the severity of the underwater conditions. The ocean floor is an environment of extreme pressure, with the maximum depth reached by a diver being 333 meters. According to Gustavo Roque da Silva Assi, a professor at USP, a person can swim a maximum of 50 meters. Any structural failure in a submarine below this depth would be catastrophic and fatal for the crew.

Survival impossible in case of structural failure at great depths

The chance of survival in a submarine that experiences structural failure below a certain depth is nonexistent. In an interview with UOL, Gustavo Roque da Silva Assi, a professor at USP, explained that the extreme pressure of the underwater environment makes any failure in such a scenario potentially catastrophic and deadly for the crew.

With the arrival of the Titan submersible debris in Canada, investigations into the incident and the possible causes of the implosion will enter a new chapter, seeking to understand the tragic events that led to the loss of all occupants of the submersible vessel.