Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Clash Over Abortion, Immigration, and Economy in Heated First Debate

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Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Face Off in a Heated Debate

Trump não se comprometerá a vetar projeto de lei nacional de proibição do aborto
“Não há razão para assinar uma proibição porque conseguimos o que todos queriam”, disse ele Foto: ABC TV

In a highly anticipated face-to-face debate, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump clashed over critical issues such as abortion, immigration, and the economy. The first debate of the U.S. presidential race, held Tuesday night, was marked by sharp exchanges, as each candidate attempted to position themselves as the better choice for the country.

The event, broadcast by ABC from Philadelphia, saw Harris take a more aggressive and assertive tone, quickly putting Trump on the defensive. As Trump attempted to navigate the attacks, he stuck to familiar ground, focusing on anti-immigration rhetoric and defending his record as former president.

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Harris Takes on Trump Over Abortion and Economy

One of the most contentious moments of the night came when Harris addressed abortion rights. She accused Trump of wanting to lead a “national plan to ban abortion,” which he quickly denied. However, Harris’s assertiveness on this issue seemed to resonate with the audience, as she painted a clear picture of what a Trump presidency could mean for women’s rights.

Throughout the debate, Harris emphasized her past as California’s attorney general, a role that helped her develop a reputation for being tough and quick on her feet. She used this experience to confront Trump on his handling of the economy, particularly during the pandemic, stating that his policies had left the country with high unemployment rates and economic instability. “I’ve spent the last four years cleaning up Donald Trump’s mess,” Harris said, referring to her tenure as vice president under Joe Biden.

Trump, meanwhile, tried to counter by touting his economic achievements during his presidency, claiming that he had overseen one of the strongest economies in American history before the pandemic hit. He criticized Harris and Biden for not addressing the economic challenges in a meaningful way and accused Harris of evading questions about the current state of the economy under the Biden administration.

Trump Doubles Down on Immigration

While Harris focused on issues like abortion and the economy, Trump stayed on his familiar message about immigration. Repeating claims about immigrants being a threat to the U.S., he said, “The country is being invaded by criminals.” At one point, Trump went as far as to say that immigrants were “stealing jobs and livelihoods” from Americans, a statement that was quickly fact-checked by the debate moderators.

Trump’s comments on immigration were corrected multiple times throughout the night, especially when he claimed that immigrants were eating Americans’ pets, a remark that drew widespread disbelief. Despite being called out, Trump continued to emphasize immigration as one of the main challenges facing the country and blamed Harris, who has been tasked by the Biden administration with overseeing immigration reform, for failing to address the surge of illegal immigrants entering the U.S.

Harris fired back, accusing Trump of using fearmongering tactics to rally his base. “He wants to lead through division and fear,” she said, positioning herself as someone who would seek a more compassionate and effective solution to the nation’s immigration issues.

Foreign Policy and Conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine

As the debate shifted to foreign policy, both candidates were questioned on the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. Harris, whose campaign has been the target of pro-Palestinian protests due to the Biden administration’s support for Israel, took a measured stance. She acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself but also called for a ceasefire and expressed concerns about the number of civilian casualties in Gaza.

Trump, on the other hand, took a more confrontational tone, asserting that if he had been president, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine would never have happened. “I know Putin. I know Zelensky. This would have never happened if I were in charge,” he said. Trump also accused Harris of “hating Israel and the Arab population,” a claim that she did not directly address but countered by emphasizing that Trump admires authoritarian figures.

Throughout this section, Harris defended the Biden administration’s foreign policy efforts, especially regarding Ukraine, arguing that the invasion by Russia would have been much worse without U.S. intervention. “If it weren’t for Biden, Putin would be sitting in Europe right now,” she said. Trump, however, repeatedly accused her of being ineffective in handling international crises, stating that her approach to global politics would weaken the U.S. on the world stage.

High Stakes for Both Candidates

The debate highlighted the high stakes for both candidates. For Kamala Harris, this was one of her best chances to introduce herself to the American electorate as an independent leader, distinct from Joe Biden. “I’m not Biden, and I’m certainly not Donald Trump,” she said, stressing that she represents a new generation of leadership in the U.S.

For Donald Trump, the debate was an opportunity to solidify his base while attacking Harris for being too closely tied to Biden’s policies. He frequently attempted to frame Harris as an extension of Biden, declaring, “She is Biden. She tries to distance herself, but she’s just more of the same.”

Polls have shown a tight race between Harris and Trump, with some surveys indicating a statistical tie. The debate, therefore, carried significant weight, with each candidate needing to avoid any major missteps that could sway undecided voters.

Preparation and Strategy

Ahead of the debate, Harris reportedly spent the weekend in intensive preparation, honing her skills in responding to Trump’s aggressive style. She worked with a team of debate experts, focusing on quick responses and ensuring she could hold her own against Trump without relying on notes or outside support.

On the other hand, Trump, known for his experience in debates, stated that he did not undergo any formal preparation. Instead, he spent the days leading up to the event campaigning in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, where the debate took place.

This difference in preparation was reflected in their approaches on stage. Harris appeared focused and determined, while Trump leaned on his oratory experience to dominate certain segments of the debate.

As the U.S. presidential race heats up, the outcome of this debate could play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion. Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face a challenging path ahead, and their performances in this and future debates will be critical in swaying voters as election day approaches.

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